Title Particulars
This property is contained in two Certificates of Title
Section 1711 Hundred of Strangways from plan(s) S78/031A. It is the whole of the land contained in Certificate of Title Register Book Volume 220 Folio 173 with a total land area of 1 square kilometre 2 hectares 4,000 square metres and addressed as 1845 Stuart Highway, Noonamah NT.
Section 1712 Hundred of Strangways from plan(s) S 78/031A. It is the whole of the land contained in Certificate of Title Register Book Volume 220 Folio 174 with a total land area of 1 square kilometre 2 hectares 7,000 square metres.
Site Dimensions
Stuart Highway Frontage - 658.44m
Elizabeth Valley Road Frontage - 1,414.49m
Rear Eastern Boundary Frontage - 1,616.83m
Side Western Boundary Frontage - 1,135.11m
Site Area
507 acres or 205.10 Hectares.
The subject property Section 1711 is zoned RR (Rural Residential) in accordance with the Northern Territory Planning Scheme.
1. The primary purpose of Zone RR is to provide for rural residential use.
2 Proposals for rural residential development are expected to demonstrate the relationship of the proposal to existing and proposed future land uses identifying potential impacts on facilities and services and the amenity of the locality.
3. If lots are unsewered, provision for the disposal of effluent must be made on-site so that the effluent does not pollute ground or surface waters.
The subject property Section 1712 is zoned MZ (Multi-Zone) which is mixed us and made up of RR (Rural Residential) 47.7 hectares as per description above and RL (Rural Living) 55 hectares in accordance with the Northern Territory Planning Scheme.
1. The primary purpose of zone RL is to provide for low-density rural living and a range of rural land uses including agriculture and horticulture.
2.If lots are unsewered, provision for the disposal of effluent must be made on-site so that the effluent does not pollute ground or surface waters.